Friday, January 6, 2012

5th January 2012

Soooooooooooooooo... guess my plan didn't work. Didn't blog for 2 days, but whatever, I had nothing good to say anyways. I was busy watching Kids React videos (on YouTube). BTW, William (on kids react) is so cute! (Even though he's like 10) And there's this little kid, who's like 5, and speaks very weirdly, but what he says is so funny (he's 5!) Tomorrow's Friday... finally I can sleep in, like on Saturday. Why does time go by so crazily quick one day and extremely slow the next? Why?

Interesting stuff happened yesterday. Chloe turned pink in class, so did Alex. It was hilarious. They both kept denying it. In volleyball, Charlotte did a good serve and then Mr. Davies was like "Ooh, I like it!". Then a millisecond later, he missed the ball and was like "OH CRAP!". We were all ROFLing so badly :) For the rest of the lesson , all five of us (there were like only five people at CCA...) said "Ooh, I like it!" or "No, I don't like it..." at random times. After, we start laughing hysterically. I'm gonna miss all those hilarious moments after volleyball ends :( sigh... Still dunno what CCA I'm getting in yet.

I should sleep now, slept at like 1am yesterday watching videos, hehe.

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